Welcome to Proof the Novel.com!

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Hello everyone and welcome to proofthenovel.com. First, I would like to thank Mr. Gieselman for all his hard work and time he donated to make this website possible. Had it not been for him, I’d be telling my story on a street corner somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. I’m sure he spent way more time on this project than he bargained for. Thanks Paul!

There are a couple of other things I would like fill you in on before I begin. If you choose to buy a t-shirt, all of the proceeds will go to the charity organization of: Outreach, Inc. Although Proof the Novel is in no way associated with Outreach, Inc., I chose them for a few different reasons: First, they are a 4 star charity as listed on www.charitynavgator.org who have been researching charities for over fourteen years and are a great resource for deciding where you can help others in need. Second, Outreach, Inc. is not affiliated with any particular religion. Although I respect everyone’s spiritual beliefs, I don’t want to force mine on anyone else. Third, Outreach, Inc. is a very small charity who help people all over the world and any donations will surely be noticeable in helping their cause.

I wish we could charge less for the t-shirts, but here is the breakdown of the cost: $18.06/shirt, $5.75/postage, leaving $5.00 for the charity. We will try to get the cost down in the future and will heed any advice on how to do so, but for now, this is it.

Now, on with what this blog will be about. Once or twice a month, I plan to discuss a topic that will be related to mysteries on our planet regarding anything from lost civilizations to lost knowledge. While writing Proof the Novel, I came across so much information that had I put it all in the book, I’d still be writing it. I hope you enjoy the posts to come.

Picture of Ted D. Berner

Ted D. Berner

I grew up in the Mountains of Montana and have lived on a ranch for half of this life here on planet earth. I am blessed to live with a wonderful wife and ...

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