Proof the Sequel: Rise of the Watchers, Coming Oct. 27!
The odd explosion of an aging Nazi’s secret fortress in a remote area of Argentina initiates a chain reaction across the planet, an event which
The odd explosion of an aging Nazi’s secret fortress in a remote area of Argentina initiates a chain reaction across the planet, an event which
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in November of 1946 by three Bedouin shepherds in a cave on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea
According to legends around the world, a race of giants built several of the pyramids which are now scattered across the globe. China is no
Hello again! I hope everyone who had the opportunity to see the eclipse yesterday did indeed partake. They don’t come around that often and if
Hello everyone and welcome to proofthenovel.com. First, I would like to thank Mr. Gieselman for all his hard work and time he donated to make
I grew up in the Mountains of Montana and have lived on a ranch for half of this life here on planet earth. I am blessed to live with a wonderful wife and ...